劉默霖 Liu . Mo- Lin
臺灣 臺北
現任 復興商工美術教師
2021 「繁星花語」2021 ONE ART Taipei,阿波羅畫廊展位,臺北,臺灣
2021 「自心言說」品緻美生活館,臺北,臺灣
2020 「到城藝遊.構圖臺灣」大稻埕國際藝術節,臺北,臺灣
2020 「三十風華」水墨聯展於國父紀念館博愛藝廊
2020 「土地|獨白」楊桃派-阿波羅畫廊新銳畫家助長計畫(六), 阿波羅畫廊,臺北,台灣
2019 「台中釜山藝術交流展」,釜山廣域市廳展覽室,釜山,韓國
2019 「新竹藝術博覽會」,阿波羅畫廊展位,新竹,臺灣
2018 「自然。自燃」水墨創作個展,新北藝文中心,新北,臺灣
2018 「藝の語意」臺中藝術博覽會,阿波羅畫廊展位,臺中,臺灣
2018 「白與線之間」國父紀念館德明藝廊,臺北,臺灣
2018 「清醒的夢遊者」王道銀行藝廊,臺北,臺灣
2018 「兩岸名家藝術聯展」張榮發基金會,臺北,臺灣
2017 「屏藝近人」四四南村信義公民會館,臺北,臺灣
2021 望春風基金會創意繪畫競賽第二名
2020 桃源美展水墨類 入選
2019 教育部實習績優獎優良獎
2018 台中釜山藝術交流展年度藝術家獎
2017 全國美展水墨類 入選
2010 中國時報金犢獎優等獎
2010 新一代設計展產品設計系列作品優選
Liu Mo-Lin.
Taipei, Taiwan.
Graduated from the Graduate School of Painting and Calligraphy Arts Department, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan.
Current job
Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School Art teacher
2021 「Flower Meaning of Starry」ONE ART TAIPEI , Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei , Taiwan.
2021 「Expression of my own heart」Beauty & Happy , Taipei , Taiwan.
2020 「Elegance of Thirties」Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan.
2020 「The Land|Monologue」Apollo Gallery New Artists promoting program, Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei , Taiwan.
2019 「Busan-Taichung International Art Exhibition」Busan Museum, Busan , Korea.
2019 「Art Hsinchu」Apollo Art Gallery, Hsinchu , Taiwan.
2018 「Nature.Self ignition」New Taipei City Arts Center, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
2018 「Meaning of Arts」Art Taichung, Apollo Art Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan.
2018 「The vast expanse」Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan.
2018 「The Sober Sleepwalker」O-Bank Gallery, Taipei Taiwan.
2018 「Cross-Strait Artists Exhibition」Chang Yung-Fa Foundation, Taipei , Taiwan.
2017 「A-pproachable」Xinyi Assembly Hall ,Taipei , Taiwan
2021 「Spring Breeze Foundation Art Competition」 2nd prize.
2020 「Taoyuan fine arts exhibition Painting and Calligraphy Category」 Selected
2019 「Teacher Education and careers service」Selected
2018 「TAMA Artist Award」Selected
2017 「Nation Art Exhibition R.O.C. Calligraphy Arts」Selected
2010 「Times Young Creative Awards」Merit Award
2010 「Young Designers Exhibition」Merit Award
Liu Mo-Lin
Liu Mo-Lin
Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Mo-Lin graduated from the graduate school of Painting and Calligraphy Arts Department. She had great enthusiasm for Art since her childhood. And awarded like「Times Young Creative Awards」Merit Award ,「Young Designers Exhibition」Merit Award and「Teacher Education and careers service」Selected Award during her student period.
Focused on painting and calligraphy arts territory when she was 17, combining oriental and occidental painting skills to develop a new style of her own, that from ink wash painting and western theorem of point and line to plane. Outline with animal shape and landscape inside the work become her best feature.
With traditional painting techniques and modern ideas, Mo-Lin conveys new idea of eastern meaning of animals. Establish a brand new ink wash painting style of her own.